Conservation Fund

The North Island Marine Mammal Stewardship Association (NIMMSA) conducts conservation and business activities aimed at benefiting marine mammals, the economy and the marine environment off northern Vancouver Island. Our work ranges from policy development to supporting field-based conservation efforts and is possible due to revenue generated from association members.

The NIMMSA Conservation Fund has been set up to help ensure that marine conservation activities in the Vancouver Island North region can take place. It is generated through a $1.50/guest/day fee that is mandatory for all NIMMSA members to implement when operating guided tours within the NIMMSA area.

Applications for grants up to $15,000 CAD* for projects that are not for profit, have conservation benefits to marine life off northern Vancouver Island, and occur anytime during a 17-month period after May 1st of each calendar year are welcomed. *Please request the amount essential to move your project forward. Grants will be reviewed within 3 categories: (1) Small awards up to $5,000; (2) Medium awards from $5001 – 10,000; and (3) Large awards from $10,001 – 15,000. The review committee can be flexible to award further funding for applications with the highest evaluations.

Apply for Funding

1. Determine whether your organization is eligible for funding
We Fund:
• Registered Canadian charities
• Non-profit organizations
• Research and/or academic institutions
• Indigenous governments and/or organizations
• Coalitions and networks of organizations/businesses

2. Determine whether your project is eligible for funding
NIMMSA supports a wide range of initiatives including but not limited to:
• Projects that provide innovative solutions to existing marine conservation issues in the Vancouver Island North region.
• Projects that are focused on protection or restoration of marine living resources of the Vancouver Island North region.
• Projects that provide and promote marine environmental stewardship and/or sustainability practices in the Vancouver Island North region.
• Projects that enhance or contribute to healthy marine ecotourism practices in the Vancouver Island North region.
• Projects that provide Vancouver Island North based marine education to residents and/or visitors of the Vancouver Island North region.
• Research projects that add to general understanding of the distribution, population trends, ecology and threats to marine species off northern Vancouver Island.
• Projects that enhance capacity of organizations conducting marine conservation efforts in the Vancouver island North region.
• Projects that have wide-reaching impacts for conservation or understanding of marine eco-systems off northern Vancouver Island (eg. publications, videos, etc).
• Projects undertaken elsewhere that have implications for the conservation of marine and coastal living resources in the Vancouver Island North region.

3. Complete and Submit Your Application Online
• Conservation Fund Application Form
• Provide all information requested for each section
• Applications for projects starting in 2025 must be received no later than Monday, April 14, 2025.

Grant Details

1. Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Proposed project is well planned and the application is well written
• Proposed project has practical, reasonable and tangible objectives.
• Proposed project fits the aims, scope, values and standards of NIMMSA.
• Proposed project will provide measurable benefits to marine and coastal life and eco-systems off northern Vancouver Island.
• Proposed project’s administration fees do not exceed 10% of budget. A higher administration fee may be considered with reasonable justification.
• Whether or not proposed project is contingent on other unsecured funds.
• Whether or not applicant is a fifth tier member of NIMMSA
• Applicant has shown that project proposed has financial and in-kind support from other organizations.
• Applicant has necessary permits and permissions for the project.

2. Grantor Responsibilities
• Applications will begin review from Apr 15 as received.
• Successful applicants will be notified as applications are reviewed by early May.
• 50% of grant amount requested will be issued to successful applicants within one week of notification of grant award and signed agreement.
• Remaining 50% of grant amount will be issued upon completion of project or interm report.

3. Grantee Responsibilities
• Successful applicants have the opportunity to submit an interim report at the half way point of project period to receive the remaining 50% of grant amount
• Regardless of whether an interim report was provided or not a final report must be issued within 1 month upon completion of the project
• Any public representation of project or its results must display NIMMSA logo and provide written acknowledgement of the grantor

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