Become a NIMMSA Member


  • (a) Are the legal or appointed representative of an organization that benefits from the presence of marine mammals and conducts operations anywhere southeast of a line between Cape Sutil and Cape Caution and northwest of a line between Salmon Point and Atrevida Reef.
  • (b) Holds the necessary legal approvals to perform their operations.
  • (c) Can provide evidence that organization personnel are knowledgeable about the NIMMSA area of operation, and the wildlife within it.
  • (d) Are committed to donating at least $2.00 (2025) from each paying client per day while operating guided tours to view marine mammals within the NIMMSA area of operation to the NIMMSA Conservation Fund by November 30th each year. (2026 will increase to $2.50)
  • (e) Agrees to follow NIMMSA bylaws and code of conduct.


First Tier: A company that operates and advertises daily or multi-day tours where marine mammal viewing is a key feature, whether as the primary purpose or part of a broader experience. $300 + $5 a seat/berth, 3 votes

Second Tier: A company that operates and advertises tours where marine mammal viewing is not a primary feature but may occur during operations. Fee: $100 + $5 a seat/berth, 1 vote

Third Tier: A company that meets NIMMSA membership criteria but does not operate marine mammal tours. $200, no votes

Fourth Tier: A non-profit or charitable organization that meets NIMMSA membership criteria. Fee: Free, no votes2

NIMMSA Membership Application

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