Conservation Fund Recipients

The NIMMSA Conservation Fund has awarded a cumulative amount of $192,098.50 to 28 different projects over the past 7 years. Below are details pertaining to the annual awards along with submitted final reports and project updates from the successful applicants.

In 2024, we received an all-time high number of 14 applications totaling $157,171.42 in requested funds and are contributing $37,500 to the 5 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff (2 additional projects were awarded but did not accept awards.) Listed below are the successful applicants receiving 2024 NIMMSA Conservation Fund awards:

  • 4VI was awarded $3500.00 for “Where the Whales Are” – Setting Responsible Expectations Marine Mammal Viewing.
  • Salmon Coast Field Station Society was awarded $5500.00 for “Investigating the behaviour and ecology of overwintering juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Broughton Archipelago”
  • Wei Wai Kum was awarded $5550.00 for “Seafood stewardship: exploring environmental health through traditional seafoods
  • Bay Cetology was awarded $10,000.00 for “Finwave Bigg’s killer whale database curation
  • Ocean Wise was awarded $13,000.00 for “Targeted environmental DNA sampling of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) around northern Vancouver Island to enhance non-invasive genetic sampling techniques for cetaceans

In 2023, we received 8 applications totaling $92,570.00 in requested funds and are contributing in-kind support as well as $38,483.00 to the 4 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful 2023 applicants:

  • Cetus Research & Conservation Society was awarded $2,500.00 for “Be Whale Wise for Paddlers in Johnstone Strait”
  • Ḵwiḵwa̱sut’inux̱w Ha̱xwa’mis First Nation was awarded $7,500.00 as well as in-kind vessel support for “Protecting Beaches, Promoting Community Values, and Enhancing Positive Eco-Tourism in the Broughton Archipelago”
  • Marine Education and Research Society was awarded $8,550.00 for “Exploring the feasibility of a slow down zone for large vessel traffic in Blackfish Sound and Blackney Pass 
  • Salmon Coast Field Station Society was awarded $9,970.00 for “Understanding the health and migration of juvenile Chinook salmon
  • Bay Cetology was awarded $10,000.00 for “Open access database for Bigg’s killer whales

Be Whale Wise for Paddlers in Johnstone Strait Project

With support from NIMMSA’s Conservation Fund, CETUS launched the “Be Whale Wise for Paddlers in Johnstone Strait” project in 2023, making significant strides in both marine conservation and public education. The project focused on updating outdated signage to provide paddlers and visitors in the Qwiquallaaq / Boat Bay Conservancy with essential, up-to-date information on the Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve and the Be Whale Wise Guidelines.

The new signs, built from durable aluminum composite, ensure long-lasting impact by informing visitors about responsible paddling practices and the importance of minimizing disruptions to whale populations. This initiative not only promotes safety but also fosters a deeper connection between paddlers and marine conservation efforts. The signs also recognize the territories of the Mamalilikulla, ‘Namgis, and Tlowitsis First Nations, emphasizing the cultural and ecological significance of the area.

Collaboration played a key role in this success. NIMMSA’s funding, along with support from BC Parks, allowed CETUS to complete the project, which includes the rebuilding of a kiosk at Pig Ranch.

Through this project, CETUS has created lasting educational resources that will continue to benefit both the environment and future visitors, ensuring a positive, long-term impact on conservation and stewardship in the region.

Protecting Beaches and Promoting Community Values in the Broughton Archipelago

With support from NIMMSA’s Conservation Fund, the Kwiḵwa̱sut’inux̱w Haxwa’mis First Nation (KHFN) successfully completed an initiative aimed to foster marine environmental awareness and stewardship by bringing together youth and community members for a large-scale beach cleanup in their remote territory. Over two days in August 2023, volunteers cleaned the village beach in Gwa’yas’dums, collecting over 35 bags of trash, rusted metal, and large debris. Boats provided by NIMMSA operators, BC Parks, and other volunteers helped transport people and remove garbage from the beach.

The project culminated in a celebratory community dinner in the Bighouse to honor the volunteers’ hard work. This cleanup effort was a resounding success, underscoring the importance of collaboration and community-led conservation initiatives.

NIMMSA is proud to support projects like this, which not only protect our marine environment but also strengthen community bonds and promote eco-tourism.

In 2023, the Salmon Coast Field Station Society successfully conducted a project to study the health and migration patterns of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Broughton Archipelago and Johnstone Strait. Using microtrolling techniques, which minimize bycatch, they collected tissue samples from 71 Chinook salmon—more than in the last two years combined. These samples contribute to a coast-wide dataset on salmon health and migration led by the Pacific Salmon Foundation.

Chinook salmon are vital to the ecosystem and serve as a key food source for marine species such as resident killer whales. The genetic data gathered will help improve understanding of migration patterns and aid in developing effective conservation strategies for this crucial species.

The findings add to a growing body of knowledge about the overwintering habitats of juvenile Chinook, offering critical insights for future conservation efforts. Continued research will help address the documented decline in wild salmon populations, contributing to broader ecosystem health.

Open Access Database for Bigg’s Killer Whales

The NIMMSA Conservation Fund, in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ocean Wise, and Eagle Wing Tours, supported Bay Cetology in launching an open-access database for Bigg’s killer whales in Spring 2023. The funding facilitated the hiring of a biologist to manage data submissions and enhance the user interface. The project surpassed its initial goals, with nearly 300 users joining (up from the projected 100) and contributing almost 800 data entries, exceeding the expected 500.

This platform significantly enhances the understanding of Bigg’s killer whales by providing marine professionals with access to comprehensive data on whale movements and demographics. The database has already become a valuable tool for marine ecotourism, scientific research, and education, allowing users to view real-time data contributions from anywhere, even on mobile devices.

While full public access has been delayed due to server issues, ongoing upgrades are planned for 2024. The database is poised to become a global standard for tracking dorsal fin-bearing marine species, expanding the scope of collaborative data collection and improving conservation outcomes.

In 2022, we received 7 applications totaling $44,936.00 in requested funds and contributed $26,936.00 to the 4 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful 2022 applicants:

  • Bay Cetology was awarded $4,500.00 for “Multi-population Killer Whale Scarring Study
  • University of Alberta (Lewis Research Group) was awarded $7,500.00 for “The population biology of spot prawns (Pandalus platyceros) in the Northeast Vancouver Island, Broughton Archipelago, and mainland inlets”
  • Marine Education and Research Society was awarded $7,490.00 for “Development of an online Acoustic Disturbance resource to support recreational boater education
  • Salmon Coast Field Station Society was awarded $7,446.00 for “Collaborative kelp forest monitoring to support effective kelp conservation and restoration in the Broughton Archipelago

Multi-Population Killer Whale Scarring Study

The NIMMSA Conservation Fund enabled Bay Cetology to conduct a pioneering study on scarring rates among different sex and age classes of killer whales across three distinct populations. This project ran from March 2022 to August 2023, culminating in the completion of a Master’s thesis. The study involved analyzing high-quality identification photos to document scar acquisition and healing rates. While the original goal was to analyze 25-50% of each population, data quality limited the analysis to 15-50% of individuals.

The study revealed significant differences in scar acquisition between sex and age classes but found minimal variation across the three killer whale populations. This suggests that while social interactions are key to shaping behavior, they are not heavily influenced by ecological factors. Additionally, over 85% of scars healed within the 12-year study period, indicating that conspecific aggression, though a mediator of social structure, does not significantly impact individual survival.

The study revealed significant differences in scar acquisition between sex and age classes but found minimal variation across the three killer whale populations. This suggests that while social interactions are key to shaping behavior, they are not heavily influenced by ecological factors. Additionally, over 85% of scars healed within the 12-year study period, indicating that conspecific aggression, though a mediator of social structure, does not significantly impact individual survival.

This research is the first of its kind to use conspecific scar data for comparing behavioral traits across divergent killer whale populations. The findings offer valuable insights into the social dynamics and physiology of killer whales, contributing to a better understanding of the species’ behavioral ecology.

Spot Prawn Population Biology in Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Waters

Supported by the NIMMSA Conservation Fund, this project, part of a PhD thesis led by Emma Atkinson from the University of Alberta, focused on understanding the population biology of spot prawns in Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw territory. The study involved four comprehensive surveys conducted between April 2022 and March 2024, analyzing the size- and stage-structure of spot prawn populations outside of the commercial fishing season. Collaborating with the Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Fisheries Group and other partners, the project collected extensive data from 38 sites, providing valuable insights into local prawn populations.

The research addressed critical information gaps by generating fishery-independent data, which are essential for sustainable fisheries management. The findings contribute to a better understanding of spot prawn size and stage distribution, aiding comparisons across different regions of the BC coast. The project also highlighted concerns about potential local population declines masked by broader regional data trends, underscoring the need for more localized management strategies.

The data collected will inform ongoing assessments of spot prawn populations, supporting the development of sustainable management frameworks. The project has established a strong foundation for a long-term monitoring program, which can be continued by the Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Fisheries Group. The analysis, still in progress at the time of thier final report, will culminate in a technical report and peer-reviewed publication, providing valuable guidance for future fisheries management.

Development of an Online Acoustic Disturbance Resource

From June 2022 to October 2023, the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS), supported by the NIMMSA Conservation Fund, created an online resource to educate recreational boaters about the impact of vessel noise on marine mammals. The project featured two short animations developed in collaboration with Orcalab and artist Dawn Dudek, showcasing how noise affects Orca and Humpback whales. The animations and resources are hosted on, directing users to a comprehensive educational page on the MERS website, set to launch in November 2023.

The project aims to reduce acoustic disturbance by motivating changes in boater behavior. The Ocean Voices resource page provides easy-to-understand information on underwater noise, its effects on marine mammals, and actionable recommendations for boaters. 

The resource was launched during an online webinar attended by 199 participants, with an additional 190 views post-launch. It was promoted extensively via MERS social media channels, reaching over 28,000 users, and featured in the MERS newsletter, sent to over 5,000 subscribers.

This resource will be integrated into various educational programs, including the Boater Course and Marine Mammal Naturalist Course developed by MERS. It will also be used in workshops for First Nations and government employees. MERS estimates that the resource will reach at least 1,500 vessel users annually and anticipates an additional 30,000 website visitors each year, expanding the educational impact well into the future.

In 2021, we received 5 applications totaling $24,933.84 in requested funds and contributed $9,950.00 to the 3 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful 2021 applicants:

  • Living Oceans Society was awarded $1,500.00 for Clear the Coast 2021
  • Marine Education and Research Society was awarded $4,950.00 for BC Boaters and Marine Mammals – safe, responsible and legal vessel operation
  • Salmon Coast Field Station Society was awarded $3,500.00 for Supporting Salmon Conservation and Stewardship in the Broughton Archipelago

Living Oceans received $1,500 for “Clear the Coast 2021”

Living Oceans Society is pleased to provide its final report on Clear the Coast 2021, which took place during August and September of 2021. Our objective was to remove plastic marine debris from foreshores on Vancouver Island’s northwest coast, employing a team of volunteers to collect and cache the debris; and helicopter/truck transport to appropriate facilities. Our objectives have been met for the most part; in that approximately 70 cubic metres of plastic debris has been collected and removed from the region. Most of that debris has been sorted for transport to landfill, recycling or repurposing and is currently stored on a private property in Port McNeill awaiting transport. The only reason that the debris has not yet been transported is that the trucking company we retained for the purpose has been unable to assist due to the owner’s illness. We understand the recycling facility to be overwhelmed with material at the moment in any event, and have chosen to await an opportune time to move the debris from its current, protected location. Debris was removed from Lowrie Bay to Grant Bay, over 35 km of coastline interfacing with waters that support diverse populations of marine birds, fish and mammals, all of which are at risk from ingestion of and entanglement in marine plastic debris. By removing large debris before it breaks down into pieces small enough to be ingested, we have prevented the entry of an estimated 7 tonnes of plastic into the food web. In the process, we educated three new volunteers to the work required to steward the territory and assisted another local organization, Epic Exeo, to lift out and recover the proceeds of their volunteer work (the volume/weight referred to above is the combined total of our efforts). We are grateful to NIMMSA for supporting this work: but for this grant, we might not have been able to undertake the work at all. Despite the widely-advertised Provincial government funding (for which we did apply), problems with the delivery of the fund meant that applicants were prevented from doing most of the work that was planned for this year by members of the BC Marine Debris Working Group. We elected to decline government funding when it was finally offered in July, as we could not have completed the more comprehensive project proposed to them within the time then remaining in the safe work window. However, with the NIMMSA support in hand, we were able to leverage a grant from Boating BC and obtain in-kind support from the Canadian Wildlife Service which, in the end, allowed us to recover more material from a larger area than in most past years. Recommendations: By far, most of the debris recovered was post-industrial (fishing and aquaculture) which suggests the continuing need for education of workers on the water and the provision of recycling facilities for, in particular, fishing gear and foam floatation. We will continue to work with small craft harbours and the regional landfill to try to establish appropriate facilities.

MERS received $4,950 for “BC Boaters and Marine Mammals - safe, responsible and legal vessel operation”

Enabled by the support generously provided through the NIMMSA Conservation Fund, the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) completed Phase One in the development of an online, stand-alone Course that becomes the standard for small vessel operator education regarding marine mammals in BC, achieving greater boater safety, reduced threats to marine mammals, and increased awareness and compliance with Marine Mammal Regulations, the Management Measures for the Southern Resident Killer Whales and best practices as per “Be Whale Wise” and “See a Blow? Go Slow!”. This initial phase was completed within the specified timeline (June 1, 2021 – June 31, 2022). Phase 1 of this project included a gap analysis regarding potential content, target audience, marketing and assessment; and exploring further funding sources. Through the completion of this project’s objectives, the NIMMSA grant has been leveraged into further funding to develop a course.

Figure 1. Vessel under power, violating Marine Mammal Regulations by advancing to well within 100 meters to Humpback Whale Ojos Blancos (BCX1563). Photo by Jackie Hildering.

Figure 2. Whale Warning Flag being flown in the presence of Neptune the Humpback Whale. Photo by Jackie Hildering.

Salmon Coast Field Station received $3,500 for “Supporting Salmon Conservation and Stewardship in the Broughton Archipelago”

Our objective was to replace our dock, and this objective was met in October of 2022. The new dock provides dry storage space, a wet lab, and serves as moorage space for research vessels and visitors to our boat-access only facility. The dock is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports all our work, and is foundational to our research, education, outreach and training activities. Therefore, the replacement of our dock will allow us to contribute to marine conservation, education and stewardship through supporting:

  • our monitoring of juvenile salmon health for sea lice and other pathogens in order to inform targeted, effective management and recovery efforts for Broughton wild salmon populations.
  • our public education programs, which reach hundreds of people through visiting education groups (20-30 students per year), visiting boaters (50-100 per year), and community events (300-500 people per year).
  • Offering biology and conservation employment opportunities and training for local community members and graduate students from Canadian universities. Together with research and station volunteers, there are typically ~50 people who work, live and learn at the station each year.

Now that SCFS has a fully functioning dock that can support these programs, we anticipate being able to continue these programs indefinitely into the future. Therefore the NIMMSA funding we received will have a positive impact on our organization and the local community for years to come. We see this body of work as a benefit to regional salmon populations and to the human and ecological communities that rely on wild salmon as a cultural and nutritional resource.

In 2020, we received 4 applications totaling $37,578.00 in requested funds and contributed $11,370.00 to the 2 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful 2020 applicants with details from their final reports.

OrcaLab received $7,000 for “Monitoring Orcas at the Strider Rubbing Beach”

The purpose of the funding we received from NIMMSA in 2020 was to enable us to install remote surface and underwater video cameras at the Strider rubbing beach in the Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve. We ordered the surface camera, a Bosch Starlite 7000i 1080p PTZ model mounted in an XClear
self cleaning enclosure immediately after the grant was awarded. We installed it at Strider on July 20th. Subsequently, we were able to obtain a loan of an underwater video camera from View Into the Blue and installed it at Strider on August 3rd.

In 2020 we were simply stunned by the results that came from adding a surface camera to the hydrophone we had relied on to detect rubs previously. Not only did the orcas rub at Strider much more often than at the “Main” beach, they spent much longer at Strider. In 2020 during the “season” the orcas rubbed 46 times at
Strider, the length of rubs ranging from 2 minutes to an incredible 2 hours and 40 minutes. The images of the whales we obtained using the cameras were up close and personal, offering an intimate look into the orcas’ lives. In our Lab with our group of volunteer assistants, we were often crowded around the computer monitor, transfixed by what we were seeing. A worldwide audience that joined us via was similarly enthralled. In sum, what we were able to do thanks to the NIMMSA grant was quite incredible.

In 2021 we continued this work, substituting an Axis camera for the Bosch, and using a different underwater camera. Again, the results were breathtaking and had us transfixed while watching in our Lab. The orcas rubbed 74 times at Strider in 2021, compared with 21 times at Main. In 2021 we also began observing the orcas at a third rubbing beach called “Kaizumi” which lies to the west of the Ecological Reserve. The nickname comes from its location half way between Kaikash Creek and Kaizumi Rock. With permission from the Namgis First Nation, in whose territory Kaizumi lies, we installed the Bosch camera we used at Strider in 2020 on a cliff high above the beach, and connected it to our wireless network. We were thus able to remotely observe the orcas rubbing at this beach. There were 49 rubs at Kaizuni in 2021. Our purpose was to obtain data regarding the orcas’ use of this beach, along with potential human impacts, in order to protect it. We did not stream the video to the internet in 2021, as we wanted to obtain data in the absence of publicity. Our hope is that Kaizumi will be protected by next summer. Finally, we wish to express our deep gratitude to NIMMSA and its members for making this important part of our project possible. Thank you so much!

Marine Education and Research Society received $4,370 for "Coast-wide estimate of the proportion of BC Humpback Whales that have survived entanglement”

Through support provided by the NIMMSA Conservation Fund for our project entitled “Coast-wide estimate of the proportion of BC Humpback Whales that have survived entanglement”, the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) was able to make significant progress toward better understanding the scope of the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks in BC. The project took place between June 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020 but also included analyses of data collected coast-wide in 2017, and off northeastern Vancouver Island (NEVI) back to 2011.

Project activities, methods, and objectives were: 1) Collect Humpback tailstock photographs for one more year, to be examined for evidence of entanglement; 2) Examine Humpback Whale tailstock photographs taken coast-wide in 2017 for characteristic scarring caused by previous entanglements; 3) Evaluate whether
photographs taken from UAVs (collected under research permit) can verify the results of tailstock photo analyses; 4) Use photographs collected from well-known Humpbacks off NEVI to look at annual rate of acquisition of entanglement scarring; and 5) Draft a manuscript for publication.

Objectives 1-4 were fully met. A total of 544 tailstock photographs were collected by MERS and collaborators in 2019, and all of these photographs were analyzed for the presence of entanglement scarring. Analyses of thousands of tailstock photographs taken in 2017 from as far north as Langara Island and as far south as off southwestern Vancouver Island were completed. Available UAV photographs and videos of Humpbacks off NEVI were examined; however, were not found to contribute significantly to the assessment of Humpback Whale entanglement frequency. A total of 3,480 Humpback tailstock photographs from NEVI between 2011 and 2019 were analyzed year-by-year to assess the number of individuals that acquired additional entanglement scarring over this time period. Given the very large volume of data, analyses took longer than expected, and necessitated contracting an experienced Humpback Whale matcher to assist in photograph analysis. As a result, although a draft manuscript is in progress, it has not yet been submitted for publication. MERS has however committed the funds required to cover the journal publication fee, and will complete the manuscript in time to inform the key upcoming decisions regarding the management of Humpbacks in BC outlined below. 

The results of this project have benefits for both Humpbacks and humans in BC. A better understanding of the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks will contribute to the health of this population, which is increasingly relied on as a species of focus for tourism off NEVI. Humpbacks are listed as a species of Special Concern under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), and the SARA Management Plan for this population is currently in development. The results of our project will have long-term benefits by informing the conservation measures included in this Management Plan, required to mitigate the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks. Additionally, a COSEWIC re-assessment of the status of BC Humpbacks is upcoming in 2022, and the results of our study will have further significant benefits through their inclusion in this assessment.

In 2019, we received 6 applications totaling $46,951.50 in requested funds and contributed $32,851.50 to the 5 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful applicants along with submitted project updates & final report summaries.

Bere Point Research received $2,100 for the purchase of field equipment for the “Wild Side Project”

The 2019 funding has allowed Bere Point Research to purchase equipment that was needed for the Wild Side Project, Thank You. The project ran from July 1 – October 1 at Bere Point on Malcolm Island, BC. Monitoring activities implemented included setting up equipment and the research camp for the research season- placing the hydrophone & cable in front of camp, VHF radio set up, research shelter build, and many general activities to ensure camp is equipped to collect data, and withstand any weather. Bere Point being a popular spot to camp, whale watch, and generally just spend some time, it’s busy most days in recent years. And 2019 was another indication that this will continue into the future. Education is an important segment of our research at Bere Point. Being on-site practically 24/7 giving us the opportunity to educate visitors to the rubbing beach. I speak with hundreds of visitors in a summer season, educating and guiding them on how to act around Orca while they’re at the rubbing beach. My hope this past 2019 season was to collect data to compare to past seasons, as well as be there to be available to educate visitors. Looking for possible changes in the data/whale occurrence, that may help indicate negative impacts on the Northern Resident Orca & their Known Critical habitat, which my study area falls within.

Anecdotal results recorded this past season are: Cetacean Sightings Occurrences: N. Resident Orca- 40; Bigg’s Orca- 2; Humpback Whales- 55; Pacific Whited Sided Dolphins- 2; Dall’s Porpoise- 17; Harbour Porpoise- 29; Beach Rubbing Encounters by Northern Residents- 14; (though not a cetacean, Sea Otters have been observed on two occasions.) It’s believed that the numbers from this past season show a positive view of occurrences. What I would say to be, a somewhat normal season. It should be noted that, Bigg’s Orca occurrences are lower than typically seen in past years. Also, although not seen much within our study area, no Minke whales were observed this season, and they are typically seen a couple/ few times a season. In comparing this collected data to data collected over the past 22 years, providing a tested method to evaluate this important information.

2019 was successful in carrying out our objective. Data collected and added to our database of Bere Point Research. Visitors educated when the opportunity presented itself. Troy Bright was featured in the October issue of Alive magazine. Orca, Conservation, and Education were some topics in the article. Thank You for your support this pass 2019 season. We’ll getting ready for the 2020 season in the coming months. And as always, we’ll be watching and reporting on any Orca activity in our study area.

OrcaLab received $8,192 for Strider rubbing beach remote camera power

The purpose of our grant was to install the power system required to support a remote video camera at the Strider rubbing beach in the Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve. The Strider rubbing beach has become more frequently used than the Main beach in recent years. Accordingly, we requested a modification of the research permit we hold from BC Parks that allows us to conduct research in the Reserve, in order to install a remote camera and hydrophone at the Strider location. This was granted in 2018, enabling us to plan. The first stage of our plan was to install sufficient photovoltaic power to run the camera and hydrophone installations without needing to make frequent maintenance trips into the Reserve. The Strider site has poor solar exposure, being shaded by the mountains of Vancouver Island during most of the day, even in summer. Hence the need for substantial solar capacity. The second phase of the project’s plan was to install at least a surface camera on the rocky shore above the orcas’ rubbing zone, which is about 10m before the surface. If possible, an underwater camera would be installed as well. The camera(s) would be connected to the wireless network, which we use to monitor and control several remote video cameras at our Lab on Hanson Island. We also use the network to monitor and record acoustics from our hydrophone installations at the Main beach and Critical Point in Robson Bight. In 2019, thanks to the grant from NIMMSA and the technical assistance of Clay Fischer of Veridian Energy Cooperative, assisted by OrcaLab volunteers and staff, we completed the first phase of the Strider project on August 31st and September 1st 2019. We erected an 8-panel rack mounted solar array that consisted of 8 310W panels (2,480 W total). The array was connected to a charge controller that managed the state of 2 12VDC maintenance free lead acid batteries. The solar installation framework was subsequently reinforced with the hope that it would survive winter storms. Fortunately, this proved to be the case. The Strider project is now ready for the second stage. The following photos show the location viewed from the ocean, and the installation, viewed from east and west. We are excited by these developments in our research, and deeply grateful to NIMMSA for helping to make them possible. Thank you so much!

Marine Education and Research Society received $9,850.00 for humpback whale fishing gear entanglement data collection, analysis, and publication

Through support provided by the NIMMSA Conservation Fund for our project entitled “Coast-wide estimate of the proportion of BC Humpback Whales that have survived entanglement”, the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) was able to make significant progress toward better understanding the scope of the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks in BC. The project took place between June 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020 but also included analyses of data collected coast-wide in 2017, and off northeastern Vancouver Island (NEVI) back to 2011.

Project activities, methods, and objectives were: 1) Collect Humpback tailstock photographs for one more year, to be examined for evidence of entanglement; 2) Examine Humpback Whale tailstock photographs taken coast-wide in 2017 for characteristic scarring caused by previous entanglements; 3) Evaluate whether photographs taken from UAVs (collected under research permit) can verify the results of tailstock photo analyses; 4) Use photographs collected from well-known Humpbacks off NEVI to look at annual rate of acquisition of entanglement scarring; and 5) Draft a manuscript for publication.

Objectives 1-4 were fully met. A total of 544 tailstock photographs were collected by MERS and collaborators in 2019, and all of these photographs were analyzed for the presence of entanglement scarring. Analyses of thousands of tailstock photographs taken in 2017 from as far north as Langara Island and as far south as off southwestern Vancouver Island were completed. Available UAV photographs and videos of Humpbacks off NEVI were examined; however, were not found to contribute significantly to the assessment of Humpback Whale entanglement frequency. A total of 3,480 Humpback tailstock photographs from NEVI between 2011 and 2019 were analyzed year-by-year to assess the number of individuals that acquired additional entanglement scarring over this time period. Given the very large volume of data, analyses took longer than expected, and necessitated contracting an experienced Humpback Whale matcher to assist in photograph analysis. As a result, although a draft manuscript is in progress, it has not yet been submitted for publication. MERS has however committed the funds required to cover the journal publication fee, and will complete the manuscript in time to inform the key upcoming decisions regarding the management of Humpbacks in BC outlined below.

The results of this project have benefits for both Humpbacks and humans in BC. A better understanding of the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks will contribute to the health of this population, which is increasingly relied on as a species of focus for tourism off NEVI. Humpbacks are listed as a species of Special Concern under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), and the SARA Management Plan for this population is currently in development. The results of our project will have long-term benefits by informing the conservation measures included in this Management Plan, required to mitigate the threat of entanglement to Humpbacks. Additionally, a COSEWIC re-assessment of the status of BC Humpbacks is upcoming in 2022, and the results of our study will have further significant benefits through their inclusion in this assessment.

University of Victoria received $10,807 for humpback whale prey selection fieldwork and data analysis

This project was part of a multi-year PhD thesis study investigating the spatial patterns of North Pacific humpback whale feeding that occur off northern and southern Vancouver Island. The thesis goal was to suggest reliable sampling methods for the evaluation of regional humpback whale diet over time. My objective in North Island waters was to acquire underwater spatial data on humpback whale foraging in Blackfish Sound, BC, to compare with similar data previously collected in South Island waters. With the funds provided by NIMMSA, this objective was met.

Our surveys were conducted in daylight hours from September 20 – 30, 2019. On calm days, we used an Acoustic Zooplankton and Fish Profiler (AZFP) to record the depth distribution of prey near feeding humpback whales, with the goal of mapping underwater prey fields. During the same timeframe, we instrumented four humpback whales with a CATS Diary suction cup tag for measuring three-dimensional whale diving behaviour. After a whale was tagged, we initiated acoustic surveys using the AZFP and followed behind the whale at a distance of 10 to 1000 m and three to five knots speed to record the prey that was targeted by the whale. The data collected by the AZFP and the whale-born tags are information-rich, and analysis of these data is exhaustive and ongoing.

The acoustics data show consistent differences between feeding regions, with measures of Pacific herring aggregations off northern Vancouver Island but deep layers of possibly walleye pollock and euphausiids (krill) in southern Vancouver Island waters. Herring tend to form vertically elongated aggregations in the water column that are visible near the seafloor and mid-water column in the acoustic data from Blackfish Sound; this is consistent with our surface observations, which documented juvenile herring as the dominant humpback prey in northern waters. Fecal samples from surveyed whales in southern waters comprised mainly bones from juvenile walleye pollock or Pacific cod, as well as herring, anchovy and krill, which is also consistent with our acoustic data.

Our results link humpback whale foraging behaviour to concurrent measures of prey from the AZFP, at temporal and spatial scales relevant to the whales.

Analyses currently underway include categorizing the whale dive profiles as either foraging or non-foraging dives, and comparing these to the vertical distribution of fish and zooplankton recorded during acoustic prey mapping behind the tagged whale.

This study is the first to describe the underwater spatial characteristics of humpback whale prey in BC waters. Humpback whales are enormous predators that are increasingly involved in vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. The need to map and eventually predict the intensity of humpback whale foraging in our inshore waters is crucial to protecting whales, boaters, and economic interests. We hope that this fine-scale sampling method will be useful for making important conservation decisions that impact our entire coastline.

Sayward Futures Society was awarded $1,912 for Kelsey Bay hydrophone maintenance and live-streaming

Sayward Futures Society suspended their activities due to the pandemic, then were able to complete their project through an alternate way and returned their award.

In 2018 we received 9 applications totaling $74,008 in requested funds and contributed $35,008 to the 5 projects given the highest evaluations by NIMMSA directors and staff. Listed below are the successful applicants along with submitted project updates & final report summaries.

University of Victoria received $7,150 for the project “The vocal behaviour of minke whales off northern Vancouver Island”

This project represented the culmination of an acoustic study conducted in 2012 in Cormorant Channel, BC. Our goal was to complete a scientific publication in order to share the results of our research. With the funds provided by NIMMSA, this goal was met. We submitted a scientific manuscript for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Bioacoustics on July 19, 2018 (see proof title page, below). The title of the manuscript is ‘Vocalizations of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground’, and it describes call types identified from underwater acoustic recordings made in the presence of minke whales in Cormorant Channel. We placed a hydrophone and sound recording device in Cormorant Channel in the summer (June-August) of 2012, accompanied by daily observations from the shore of Cormorant Island. Observers recorded when minke whales or other marine mammals were in the area. The acoustic recordings were examined during times when minke whales were observed close to the hydrophone, resulting in about 64.5 hours of recordings to be manually searched for vocalizations, then re-analyzed a second time for quality assurance (over 100 hours of data analysis). Any potential minke whale calls were identified, and those found at times when only minke whales were in the area were used in further analysis. The selected calls were classified into four call types: pulse chains (111 calls), downsweeps (5 calls), broadband pulses (2 calls), and tonal wavers (22 calls). Considering the number of hours of data that were carefully analyzed, fewer calls were found than we expected from previous reports of minke whale vocal behaviour. We hypothesize that minke whales were not more vocal in this area due to predation risk, sexual segregation, and seasonality, and that some calls may have been missed because of acoustic masking. This study is the first to describe the vocal behaviour of minke whales in the eastern North Pacific on their feeding grounds. The results will allow acousticians to better detect minke whale presence in an area when they may not be easily seen at the surface, and to assess the potential impact of increasing noise from vessels and industry on their ability to communicate. We hope that our findings will provoke further study leading to a better understanding of the acoustic ecology of minke whales off the west coast of North America.

MERS Marine Education and Research Society received $10,008 for the project “Updated catalogue of the individual Humpback Whales documented off northeastern Vancouver Island”

Through support provided by NIMMSA’s Conservation Fund, the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) was able to update the catalogue of Humpback Whales documented from the northern Strait of    Georgia to the north end of Vancouver Island (study area). The aim had been to provide one updated catalogue but we were able to surpass this goal and produce two updates. The first was delivered to NIMMSA and its members on July 24, 2018 and the second on February 28, 2019. The latter included whales documented in the study area up to December 31, 2018. MERS also delivered a summary of all Humpbacks sighted in the study area and information about whether they were newly documented or whales already known in BC. These updates were made available to NIMMSA members at no charge. The Humpback Whale photographs taken by MERS and data contributors (many who are NIMMSA members) were processed by MERS as follows: • Identification of individual whales was determined and catalogue numbers were assigned. If the whale was not already known to MERS, team members cross-referenced the photo(s) with the Fisheries and Ocean Canada (DFO) Humpback catalogue. If concluded that the whale had also not been documented by DFO, the whale was assigned a MERS catalogue number. • Every photo was graded for quality. For previously undocumented whales, the best fluke and dorsal fin identification photos were added to the catalogue update. For whales already catalogued, new photos were compared to those in the catalogue, and if of higher quality, they replaced the photo(s) in the catalogue. • Every sighting was also entered into the MERS database.

For NIMMSA members and other ecotourism operators, the MERS catalogue helps to enhance the experience of guests by providing information about the individual Humpback Whales sighted during trips. This creates increased public interest and engagement, leading to greater awareness of the presence of Humpback Whales and the threats they face, and further contributions of Humpback data and reporting of incidents of entanglement, vessel strikes, and disturbance. The updated MERS Humpback catalogue is also being compared to Humpback catalogues maintained    by other researchers coast-wide, to reduce knowledge gaps regarding the abundance, population structure, movements, threats, and behaviours of Humpback Whales in BC. MERS intends to continue    to update our catalogue annually, thus sustaining these benefits to research, conservation, and public engagement. The support of the NIMMSA Conservation Fund also covered moorage for a MERS research vessel and 5 days of surveying for Humpbacks for the purposes of: cataloguing the whales; photographing whales to look for evidence of entanglement scarring; and documenting feeding strategies, site fidelity, social associations, and other population and behaviour data. MERS is grateful to NIMMSA for the support that made these catalogue updates possible. In addition to the financial support from the NIMMSA Conservation Fund, the photos and sightings data contributed by NIMMSA members greatly increase what MERS is able to achieve in documenting and understanding Humpbacks.

Pacific Orca Society OrcaLab received $3,675 for the project “Acoustic monitoring and land-based observations of cetaceans in northern Vancouver Island

Thanks to a grant from the North Island Marine Mammal Stewardship Association (NIMMSA), OrcaLab was able to purchase a Cetacean Research Technology SQ26 hydrophone.  On 21 August 2018, this was attached to the underwater camera frame in the shallows at MRB. This hydrophone has a frequency response to 50khz and is adequate for detecting orca, humpback and dolphin vocalizations. The transducer was connected to a digital recorder that in turn was connected to a Barix encoding device that transmitted the data to the Lab on Hanson Island via our wireless network.  At the Lab, data were decoded with another Barix device and connected to our recording system.  The new hydrophone was “piggybacked” onto the existing battery/fuel cell system already in place for operating the camera systems, therefore providing a reliable power source. The transducer and underwater camera are typically vulnerable to some sea state conditions.  Damage by rolling waves during storms has harmed previous hydrophones.  Erring on the side of caution, the hydrophone and underwater camera were removed 31 October 2018. OrcaLab plans to reinstall this hydrophone in 2019 after weather conditions improve and before the start of the new season. The total grant funds from NIMMSA are sufficient for us to install two hydrophones, and our intention is to install another at a second location in Blackney Pass adjacent to the Sea Lion haul out.  The location is called “Local Right”.  We anticipate this installation will be accomplished before the 2019 Resident orca summer season.   We are very grateful to NIMMSA for making these improvements to our project possible!

Salmon Coast Field Station Society received $6,000 for the project “Broughton Salmon Population Analyses”

The project ran from April 2018 to October 2019 at the Salmon Coast Field Station (SCFS) located in the remote Broughton Archipelago, BC, on the unceded traditional territory of the Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw First Nations. The focus of this work is the area characterized as Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Management Area 12. In 2018, Salmon Coast hired a student, Emma Atkinson, to work on analyses of the status of Pacific salmon populations in the Broughton Archipelago (DFO Area 12). The project objectives included assembling up-to-date salmon escapement data, filling data gaps, reviewing past findings, and conducting spawner-recruit analyses that relate spawning adults to the offspring they produce. Atkinson conducted these computer-based analyses at the field station while engaging with community members to ground her work in the local context and concerns pertaining to salmon population health.

Our project objectives were met. Available salmon escapement, catch, and age-at-return data were assembled for the five species of Pacific salmon through 2017. We conducted spawner-recruit analyses for pink, chum, and coho species and assessed the status of individual populations using a stoplight approach (populations in good, uncertain, or poor health assessed as ‘green, ‘amber’, or ‘red’ respectively). The results of the work are synthesized and presented in a report, “The status of Pacific salmon in DFO Area 12: The Broughton Archipelago, northeast Vancouver Island, and mainland inlets””, which is in production to be released publicly later this year. In addition to the report, multiple outreach products were created including an executive summary, slide presentation used at meetings, and summary information used during outreach events in the surrounding community.

We will publish the status report for the benefit of titleholders, communities, and decision makers concerned about the health of wild salmon in Area 12. It is our hope that over the long term, wild salmon and other species that depend on wild salmon will benefit from the publication of this report. Sustainable management of wild salmon requires knowledge of their abundance and productivity. While there are recent status assessments of wild salmon for the North and Central Coast and for much of the Fraser River watershed, there are no comprehensive and up-to-date assessments of the status of wild salmon for much of the Inner South Coast. This project begins to address that gap by assessing the wild pink, chum, coho, Chinook, and sockeye salmon populations in DFO Management Area 12. Using the stoplight approach to assess population status offers a clear snapshot of the health of local salmon populations for the community in the Broughton Archipelago and North-Island area. Underlying this overview are rigorous analyses which may also be useful in decision-making processes that affect wild salmon. In the long-term, the data infrastructure has been set up so that these analyses (and assessments) can be updated in the coming years and a regular report can be produced, given interest and funding. Our results indicate that most Pacific salmon populations in the Broughton archipelago, north east Vancouver Island, and mainland inlets are at low or moderate abundance. Many populations show evidence of declining or uncertain capacity to rebound given current conditions, although a few exceptions offer reason for optimism. Salmon counting has sharply declined in recent years, with no recent DFO spawner abundance estimates for a number of systems including Knight Inlet, Kingcome Inlet, and Wakeman Sound. Declines in coverage undermine our capacity to assess salmon populations. This report represents the most up-to-date and comprehensive assessment of the status of Pacific salmon populations in DFO Area 12 and we present it as a public resource for information and decision-making.

CETUS Research and Conservation Society received $8,175 for the project “Rebuilding of the structure at Eagle Eye”

The Eagle Eye Rebuild Project took place on Cracroft Island, located in the Qwiquallaaq/ Boat Bay Conservancy. In the conservancy, Cetus manages a field research station that consists of a camp at Boat Bay and an observation post which we refer to as The Cliff or Eagle Eye. This position is 165 feet (50m) above the water and gives our wardens a bird’s eye view of the entire Robson Bight Reserve. At Eagle Eye, Cetus receives park visitors and gives educational talks, provides information regarding whale activity to our warden boat, and collects critical data on whale-vessel interactions.

The project was to rebuild the observation structure used to shelter Warden program staff and as a hub for receiving visitors to the conservancy. The project is now substantially complete. At the conclusion of the 2019 season, the structure was left with some exterior cosmetic work and Lexan glass to be installed. The overall objectives of the project were to have an improved new structure that would support the Warden Program’s research and monitoring activities, as well as to provide a more presentable location from which to receive park guests. Having an even, stable floor will make using spotting scopes and other tripod mounted equipment easier and reduce crew fatigue. As stated in the interim report, there were a few deviations from the original plan (i.e. change of roof slope and timing of the project). The project budget also varied as more funds had to be allocated to project logistics, the helicopter flight and Lexan glass (which is a high endurance plexiglass-like product) which will provide wind and rain protection at the back and each side of the structure. This left less available for solar and water improvements; however, these have been budgeted for separately for next season. Lexan will replace plastic sheeting which can degrade into smaller pieces. Cetus crews removed all the plastic sheeting from the site at the close of the season and made the decision to ban the material from future use at the site. In addition to the rebuild, Cetus also undertook a substantial clean up, removing materials from the two previous generations of structure as well as old tarps, batteries, water containers and wood. Cetus was also able to remove items like tarps and containers that had blown off the cliff in previous years and landed on the next cliff down, about 25 feet (7.6m). The structure now in place should provide shelter for observers at Eagle Eye for many years.

Cetus believes the improved conditions for the Warden crew and guests will have positive benefits for marine conservation, education and stewardship in the area. Thanks for the support provided by NIMMSA for this project.

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